AIT Graduate Club Talk 2020

AIT Graduate Club Talk

Announcement of launching of Mobile Application for Individual / Personal / Private Decision Support mobile application was first announced publically during AIT Graduate Club Presentation by Co-creator of DecisionMentor Mr. Shashi Bhattarai.

AIT Graduate Club Talk

The announcement was made while presenting Sorties on Real-life Application of AHP based Decision Analysis. The story of upcoming mobile app shared in second story among the six stories discussed in the presentation.

Till the time of presentation, the name of the Mobile application as Decision Mentor was not revealed. The co-creators were till then exploring on the naming of the mobile application.

After 10 weeks of the talk, the Decision Mentor mobile application was uploaded in the mobile application stores of Apple and Google (App Store and Google Play).

The talk program participation was registered by 100 plus people from all over the world.
The video recording of the talk is available at: